public workshops

It's all about business concepts! In order to remain competitive, a professional has to maintain the advantage by keeping his or her development skills sharp. The way things have always been done... will CHANGE. Equip yourself to take the leading edge! 

Momentum Seminars is experienced in training for Sales,

Interpersonal Skills, Management, Customer Service,

Interview Skills, Public Speaking and so much more.

These core business principles are the lifeblood of any

company irrespective of its industry. Invest in yourself by

attending one of these seminars!

Online or in person, these workshops are rare and many

only offered once a year! Check the company Calendar

for upcoming events near you.

July 17th & 24th

"The Art of Public Speaking" in two sessions from 1:00 - 4:00 pm.

Please check the CALENDAR for details and registration.

July 17th & 24th

July 23rd

"Essential Skills for Non-Salespeople" Lunch & Learn

Noon to 1:30

Please check the CALENDAR for details and registration.

July 23rd

August 1st

August 1st

"The Sales Accelerator" a one day workshop from 1:00 - 4:00 pm.

Please check the CALENDAR for details and registration.